Connect for Airtable & WooCommerce

10x faster WooCommerce management

Only £95/month

"Bloody brilliant! Being able to manage products in Airtable without having go in to Woocommerce has been a huge time saver"

Debbie Jones   |   Forest Deli

Features built for speed

1-click save to instantly sync data

Say goodbye to the slow process of importing and exporting spreadsheets (or clicking through the slow Woocommerce interface) and hello to instant saving or your product data direct from within your Airtable Base.

Bulk update products

Often you’ll want to process product data in bulk. Combining the power of Airtable with Connect for Airtable & WooCommerce will make this process fast and painless. Automatically sync of thousands of products in minutes.

Instantly bring your orders into Airtable

Connect for Airtable & WooCommerce goes both directions – your Woocommerce order data can instantly be populated in Airtable, split into orders and order line items for easier management. As your order statuses change, they will also instantly change in Airtable. You can also update order statuses from within Airtable and have them sync back to Woocommerce.

Add unlimited photos to your products

Say goodbye to the slow process of importing and exporting spreadsheets (or clicking through the slow Woocommerce interface) and hello to instant saving or your product data direct from within your Airtable Base.

Go further with categories, tags & attributes

Connect for Airtable & WooCommerce goes further than just product and order management, and allows you to manage your categories, tags and product attributes. Just like product management, you can create, edit and delete your taxonomies with speed and ease.

Guides & FAQs

1. Navigate to the table ‘Master Product List’ within AirTable

2. Right click any row and then select ‘Insert record above’ or ‘Insert record below’ alternatively you can scroll to the final row and click the row with a ‘+’.

3. Next fill in the information for your new product (There is technically no required information to add a product, however a name will be auto assigned if you don’t provide one, and the item wont be available for purchase until you provide a sale price.)

4. Now click the green ‘Save’ button for the row you have just created

5. The product will now be added to your WordPress site as a draft. The product ID and status will automatically be fed back into AirTable. To Publish the product immediately, find the ‘wordpressPublished’ column, and change the dropdown to ‘publish’, and then hit ‘Save’ again.

Variable products currently must be created in AirTable, you can link them up to EPOS by using the same SKU for the variations

1. First create a new row as described in a previous tab

2. We will first be creating our ‘Parent’ product, and then we will attach the variations to it. The following fields are recommended to fill in:
• sku (mandatory)
• wordpressName
• wooCategory
• images (non variation specific)
There are also several fields which are not recommended to fill in as they will have no function on a parent product (eg: salePriceIncVatcostPrice)3. Next we need to tell AirToWoo that this is the parent product, to do this set the ‘isVariablePrice‘ field to ‘variable’ and the ‘parentOrChild‘ field to ‘Parent’

4. Finally click ‘Save’ on this row. Congratulations! You have now created the parent product, you will now see the ‘wordpressId‘ and ‘wordpressPublished‘ values fed back in.

5. Next we will create the variations, to start we will insert a new row beneath the parent

6. Fill in all fields related to this variation (skuwordpressNamecostPricesalePriceIncVatbarcodeimages)

7. We now need to tell AirToWoo that this is a variation, and what product it’s a variation of, to do this; set the ‘isVariablePrice‘ field to ‘variable’, set the ‘parentOrChild‘ field to ‘Child’, set the ‘variationType‘ to any attribute that you have created (learn how to create an attribute here), and finally set the ‘parentSku‘ field to the SKU of the parent product created earlier. See the example below:

8. Once you have created all of your variations, hit the ‘Save’ button on the parent product,  this will attach all variations in one go.

1. To add an image to your product, first find the ‘images’ field (on older installations this may be ‘additionalImages’)

2. Next click inside the field and then click the ‘+’ button, alternatively you can simply drag and drop images into this box.

3. This will open a window where you can choose to upload images from your computer, or connect to other image apps and add images from there, including Dropbox, Google Drive, Facebook, OneDrive, etc.

4. Select the images that you would like to add and click ‘Upload’

5. It is important to know that the first image listed in this field will be the products ‘Featured Image’, all images after this will be ‘Additional Images’ (don’t worry about uploading them in the right order, after uploading you can click the blue expand button in the top right corner of the field and re-arrange the uploaded files)

6. Finally, hit ‘Save’ on the row that you have added images to. The images will automatically be added to the product in WooCommerce.

1. Navigate to the ‘Category Map’ table

2. Create a new row and input the ‘categoryName‘ and select the ‘wooParentCategory‘ if you’d like to make the category a child of another category

3. Add a single image to the ‘catImage‘ field to be used as the category featured image

4. Click the ‘Add to WordPress’ button

5. That’s it! The category will now be added to WooCommerce.

If you’d like to link the category to a category within EPOS (so any products added to the category in EPOS will automatically be added to the category in WooCommerce) we will need to input the EPOS category ID. Please get in touch to do this as accessing the ID’s in EPOS can be tricky.

1. First navigate to the ‘Attribute Map’ table in AirTable

2. Type the name of the attribute that you’d like to add in ‘attributeName

3. Click ‘Add to WordPress’

4. You will then see the ‘wooAttributeId‘ fed back in and the attribute will be available in the ‘variationType‘ field within ‘Master Product List’

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